Ok, so we've gotten through all sort of mobility exercises with Dee Tidwell, and today he's going to show us how to put it all together with stability. This eight-part workout might just become a staple of your new favorite routine!
If you're like most working cyclists, you're winter workouts are confined to an indoor, stationary trainer, which can lead to mental fatigue over time. Coach Daniel Matheny has some great tips for building fitness by interjecting variety into your workouts to keep you fresh and make you stronger.
I have dreamt about trying to onsight Moonlight Buttress for years. This iconic route ascends a prominent prow of immaculate sandstone for over 1000 feet of finger crack delight. Featuring flawless rock, thrilling exposure, and jaw-dropping scenery, this sustained journey breaks down into 10 pitches. The first four provide a friendly warm-up: moderates, with one slightly spicy 5.11 traverse to keep you on your toes. The next six pitches are the business. Each offers a unique test of one’s crack climbing proficiency, so depending on height, finger size, and level of endurance, the “crux” of this line varies widely by climber. The magnitude of this goal, with its physical and mental challenges, has long inspired and motivated me.
I love trying really freaking hard. I love digging deep, tapping the last reserves, and emptying the tank as I push my limits physically and mentally on the rock. I pursue climbing as a way of life because I enjoy exploring new places, meeting fellow adventure enthusiasts, and playing in the great outdoors. I am currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Sport Nutrition at the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs. My goal is to help athletes use nutrition to maximize their health and performance. Through my studies, I have grown aware of the past inadequacy of my own dietary practices as well as the widespread acceptance of an unhealthy approach to food, diet, and weight throughout the climbing community....
Cyclocross season is here! If you aren’t a diehard crosser, the season may have snuck up on you. But, not to worry, there is still time to hone your existing fitness to the demands of cyclocross racing - not to mention get in on the spectator friendly venues littered with heckling, costumes, beer and money hand-ups. Coach Daniel Matheny shares his cyclocross training overview with a few workouts to get you on course.